Health Care Services – Mobile Internet for tablets for patient records and billing

Connectivity that fits

Every IoT use case has its own requirements.
Whether cross-border coverage, reception at challenging locations,
high or low data streams – FUSION IoT finds the SIM tariff that is precisely tailored to fit your needs.
For cost effectiveness and efficiency.


INDUSTRY: Healthcare, healthcare services

Health Care Services GmbH provides care services and medical supply stores with tablets with an app that enables the electronic recording of patient records and billing with care and health insurance companies. To make this possible, a stable Internet connection is essential, especially in rural regions close to the border and in other EU countries, to ensure smooth data transmission. The tablets are therefore equipped with FUSION IoT SIM cards, which automatically select the strongest available network to ensure a reliable connection regardless of location. As a result, care services benefit from a stable connection, which significantly improves the efficiency and reliability of data collection and billing for health care services.

A blue seal with the lettering Use Case and the FUSION IoT logo
Drawing with outline of a person pushing a large cogwheel up a hill


  • Disconnections and delays in data transmission due to unstable Internet connections, especially in rural or border regions
  • Previous manual documentation is time-consuming and error-prone and requires subsequent digitization
  • Slow billing due to manual processes and delays in data transfer, which can also affect cash flow
  • Higher susceptibility to errors without standardized, digital processes, with negative effects on billing accuracy and patient care


  • Coverage with all 3 networks in Germany
  • Location-independent selection of the strongest network
  • EU+ tariff and coverage even in regions close to the border
  • Plannable costs
  • myFUSION portal for managing SIM cards
Drawing of a head in which two cogwheels are depicted
Drawing of a light bulb and two SIM cards next to it


  • Always the strongest network available thanks to automatic network selection via FUSION IoT SIM cards, which ensures a stable connection in rural, border regions
  • Digital recording of patient records via tablets saves time and reduces errors compared to manual documentation, which improves smart health services
  • Immediate transmission of the recorded data to care and health insurance companies enables faster billing and improves cash flow
  • Reduced susceptibility to errors thanks to automated, digital processes
  • Cost efficiency and cost control

Do you have similar challenges?
We will find the right solution for you. We will give you objective advice and find the IoT tariff that suits your IoT products perfectly.