Real IoT projects,
real success

We transmit your data with total reliability, even under the most challenging conditions, with the IoT and M2M SIM cards from FUSION IoT. Would you like a little appetiser? IoT use cases and IoT solutions at a glance.

Leading companies rely on FUSION IoT

Connectivity exactly how you want it

Our experience shows us that every IoT and M2M use case is different. No standard product can match the individual needs of each customer. You need connectivity that suits your needs perfectly. For cost effectiveness and efficiency. We provide objective advice and quickly and flexibly develop the connectivity you need for your IoT use cases.

  • Best reception with all networks in a country
  • Across national borders with 36+ countries
  • From Narrowband IoT to real-time transmission with 5G
  • Consumption monitoring at a glance in the free myFUSION portal
  • Stringent requirements for data security are guaranteed
Drawing of two SIM cards with two cogwheels on the left and right in front of a colour gradient from blue to red

IoT use cases at a glance

From smart energy meters to accessible cities, the Internet of Things (IoT) offers a wealth of potential applications that increase efficiency, optimize processes and open up completely new fields of application. The following FUSION IoT use cases provide an insight into the diversity of IoT and demonstrate its potential in various areas.

Filter by industry

A blue pedal boat without occupants floats on a lake
Pedal boat rental – Automated rental and tracking
Ein Mann der sich verschiedene Gurte einer Kletterausrüstung an seinem Oberkörper befestigt.
Rental system – tracking of rental equipment
Frontansicht eines schwarz-weißen Hund, im Hintergrund steht eine Frau die den Hund an der Leine hält
GPS tracker for dogs and pets
Ein lange gedeckte Tafel auf einer Dachterrasse mit vielen Gläsern, Besteck, Servietten und Windlichtern
Digital Hospitality – intelligent beer coaster
Eine Stadt mit vielen Wolkenkratzern über die dunkle Gewitterwolken ziehen und vereinzelte Blitze aufhellen
Intelligent weather station with IoT data transmission
A path through a park at night, the path is illuminated by many street lamps.
Smart Lighting – Intelligent streetlights
Eine Autobahn aus der Vogelperspektive, Lkws fahren auf der Autobahn und sind mit einem digitalen grünen Kreis gekennzeichnet der das Tracking symbolisiert
GPS tracker in the automotive sector – tracking of built-in parts
Mehrere Reihen mit verschiedenen aufeinander gestapelten Frachtcontainer stehen auf einem offenen Gelände.
Tracking of containers and roll containers

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